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casa Placeres 

Pluridisciplinary project around a house in Valparaiso, 2013 - 2016. Lecture performance with Mathieu Corp, barge Anako, Paris, March 2015. Exhibition Cuentame Placeres, Valparaíso, plaza de la conquista, October 2015.

Publication Casa Placeres - a prolog, October 2014. Photography series showing, into the house or in its vicinity, the works of the artists and researchers linked to the casa Placeres project.  

Lecture performance . To look at Valparaiso with Mathieu Corp, barge Anako, Paris, March 2015

Exhibition Cuentame Placeres, Valparaíso, plaza de la conquista, October 2015.

Performance El comino de la vida Cutural park of Valparaiso, direction

and staging Compagny Theater Aber Andersrum, Brême, September 2015.